Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This post is for Steve.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Arguing With Irrational People is Fun!
So, I'm writing a post for dear melbel. Cause she's SPECIAL. Oh wait, was that OFFENSIVE? Damn. Look at me. I'm such a fucking prick.
Somehow I never get sick of toying with the people that just cannot seem to grasp the concept of "life" online. No matter how many times people send out spam emails full of viruses, someone is stupid enough to open it. No matter how clearly you explain something, someone is always stupid enough to misinterpret it. Oh, and think EVERYONE else that gets it is wrong instead of the rational decision most people can make that maybe they are the one that is mistaken. There is always someone willing to click that link thinking they are the millionth visitor to some page. There is always someone correcting grammar when it was incorrect on purpose. There is always someone that doesn't "get" lolcats. If you don't know how the Internet works, you should leave it. Let's make it simple shall we? If you venture out to another country where the customs and language are not your own... the decent person learns the ways of the country or goes home, never to return. STOP BEING A MEXICAN IN THE CALIFORNIA THAT IS TEEFURY.
just in case you were not offended yet:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
All Hail The King of America
I got this sent to me in an email and felt it was worth sharing. When did Americans become such pussies? I mean, I know my "political beliefs" don't coincide with very many people, but holy fuck they USED TO. Every time I post anything remotely political on Twitter, I get followed instantly by a slew of Conservative sites. Sometimes I follow them back, and it's true I've found a few people on my own, but when did the Republican Party get infiltrated by such non-Conservative representatives? There seem to be a lot of people that think I'm Libertarian as well. OK that's closer, but I'm so not into pot heads. I've looked into a ton of those 3rd party groups actually, and none of them really fit. Where is the Live and Let Live party? Where's the I'll Leave You Alone Unless You Bother Me party?
I do love that The Messiah's affair with America is waning so quickly. It's slightly reassuring that people are beginning to see through his thinly veiled plans. Too bad there's nothing they can or will do about it. Personally, I hope he fucks things up SO badly Americans will be forced to reevaluate how they put people in office. The thing I want MOST for America at this point is for everyone to think to themselves how little they really remember about the Constitution. Did you know there are schools now that don't require kids to learn anything about civics? What the FUCK is that about? Jay Leno can walk around and find "anyman" on the street that grew up right here and knows nothing about any of the people in the current government or how the government works. WHAT? This is not a feudal system people. The President is not the end-all decision maker. (No matter what Bush may have told you) We live under a democracy. That means you can choose who works for you. That means that you ought to investigate the person asking for your vote past what a great orator they are. It truly astonishes me that BHO came out of Chicago, which is well known for it's corruption to people even outside of the state, and just automatically assume he's legit because he SAYS he is. Don't any of you find it remarkable that just about everyone he nominates to any position turns out to be corrupt? Is it not ODD to you that as he finds people tolerating his cabinet proposals less and less, he simply adds more czars? If the Congress says he is out of line, he draws a new one. that's not part of the Constitution people. Srsly. This man is going to suck the life out of America just as long as we let him, I HOPE that the administration CHANGES in 4 years rather than 8. In 4 years time, he shouldn't be able to demolish too much of our way of life in a way that is irreversible. Making everyone poor so there are no poor people is not how life works. If he IS able to change too much, I fear a large number of Ruby Ridge type scenarios will go down soon after. I know my ass will be living far away in some cabin trying to be all self-sufficient long before it gets out of hand. I want no part of it. I don't want anyone else paying my way and I sure as fuck don't intend to pay for anyone else.
Guess that makes me a target. Not that I care. Your Gestapo doesn't scare me, I'll think how I want. According to your new list of people to watch out for, we are covered by nearly every line. That's fine. I consider myself a Patriot. I was raised in the atmosphere of fighting for America from ALL threats, both foreign and DOMESTIC. Sure I'll render to Caesar his due, but I'm not for one minute going to stand by and be silent while you ruin the greatest country that ever was. I'll tell all 12 of my followers exactly what I think, and most of them will disagree. The shepherd that misleads his flock has earned the worst curses for himself.
Enjoy your forever then.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Stop Taking Life So Srsly. Srsly.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Here are a couple derby subs. As most of you know, i only have PS elements and next to no experience with it, so forgive me for butchering Billy's work. We have another design we intend to submit, but my incredible lack of votes is getting me convinced it's a useless endeavor. I wanted us to put up 3 vastly different ideas (thx MJ for some epic inspiration/advice and to zenne for making magic) to get a feel for what type of Billy's work "the people" liked best. so far I guess people marginally like morbid over romance. Good thing, he likes that better anyway. I truly hope our next entry "belongs" on a shirt better than these do and that I can live up to coloring the cool shit he draws without making them look terrible. I'll post again when I've subbed the new one, but it might be a while.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sorry Bout That Folks.
I have to apologize to everyone. I promise not to let Billy leave posts at 3 am anymore. It seems that not speaking coherent English is not what everyone wants to read or comment on. Who knew? And no, I have no idea why he labeled it i, and neither does he. I do hope he posts still, but I hope future posts are more to every one's liking :)
This is also the only thing I could think of to segue back into the normal post stream...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Why the hell are they still talking
Well if you have been so unfortinate too catch any then of these wonderful daytime shows then
why the fuck is are President and leader sitting there and telling us that this is the most economic depressed times since the great depression? Or that our state of finanicial ruin is greater then they first calculaited ?
I will answer this for you all in a few days comming. I want to see if what i think is gonna happen, happen. So sit tight and dont let you Obama bugs bite, I will answer what needs tobe asked. "Just how fast does a cheeta run?">
Firewalls Are Made Of Satan
OK so we spend a leisurely few moments reconfiguring that blasted wireless router so poor Billy can has types again. Simple.
Not so much.
Firewalls hate the AIM. OK, no biggie. Turn off that one cause those other two will be just fine. (I'm entirely too paranoid, I know.) Still massive AIMfail. Cry. Get headache. Start all over. Reconfigure firewall settings. Fail. Turn off the fucking thing again. Closer. Nope just kidding. Sigh. Drink chocolate milk to ease the heartburn coming. Pour through all files in the computer to see what firewall exactly is causing such distress. Windows firewall had been re-instated by default when I turned another one off. DOH! But... But... I ALREADY HAD FIREWALLS ON WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME. Stab windows firewall in the chest. Make it beg me to reconsider. Murder it anyway. All returns to normalcy. Blog about it. Watch people laugh at me. Get revenge later.